15 Drawings to embroider napkins

hace 3 años

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Ideas to embroider napkins

Hello, today I am going to show you a nice collection of drawings to embroider napkins. These images are ideal for making beautiful embroideries. In addition to napkins, you can embroider other materials: curtains, bags, tablecloths, towels, pictures, jeans, cushions, and more.
You can choose from the list of drawings, the ones you like best for your embroidery.
If you like these ideas, you can embroider your napkins with these great and very ornamental drawings to decorate your home.
I like to hand embroider napkins with floral motifs.
With these designs you can embroider your napkins to your liking. If you don't like these ideas, you can make a free embroidery to your liking and you can look for other ideas in magazines or on the Internet. Here in my blog there are other images with very good to embroider them. The most important thing is that you let your imagination fly and be happy when you are embroidering your projects. Can see here other ideas with step by step.

Images for embroidery

Right away, you can see this small collection of beautiful and beautiful drawings to decorate your napkins. They are very beautiful ideas to decorate your projects and your home. The colors of the threads and the types of the threads, you choose them to your liking. To embroider them, you can use the backstitch technique. It is a very simple technique to do and the final embroidery projects are excellent.

Start by choosing the designs you want to embroider. Immediately, you can embroider them with the backstitch.

Each drawing is different from the others. You can download them, print them and trace them on the fabric you want to embroider. I hope you like it. Here I leave them:

drawing embroider napkins

design to embroider napkins

idea to embroider napkins

flowers embroider napkins

There are hundreds of drawings to embroider napkins. In addition to embroidering them, you can paint them on watercolor technique. If you like, you can use both techniques in the same project: embroidery and painting.

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