Embroider blouses with ribbons - 15 great ideas

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The art of embroidered blouses with ribbons

Hello everybody! Today I show 15 fantastic ideas to embroider blouses with ribbons, with various designs and images of already embroidered blouses. I hope you like these suggestions with pretty flowers: sunflowers, roses, lavenders and other flowers that are very easy to embroider on the fabrics of the blouses.

Often around us, our family, friends and co-workers want to learn easy, practical, cheap and simple ways to practice embroidery. These creative ideas for embroidering blouses are for all of them.

Ribbon embroidery is very popular among embroiderers. It is a three-dimensional embroidery where beautiful designs are sewn with the needle, using ribbons instead of embroidery thread. The resulting effect of ribbon embroidery is simply spectacular, due to the bright colors of the ribbons, whether silk or synthetic, and also due to the soft and silky shine that the ribbons have.

I always buy many ribbons to embroider my clothes. Satin ribbons are cheap and very pretty. But, to describe the silk ones, there are no words. The embroidery that these ribbons do is exquisite and elegant and it doesn't matter how you do it. Using some simpler designs and a little effort is all it takes to get a very beautiful embroidery job.

If you're not sure how to get started with ribbon embroidery, you can take a look at this video that teaches the basics of the stitches used in embroidering flowers with ribbons. Most of the stitches used in thread embroidery work very well in ribbon embroidery. To embroider with ribbons or ribbon, there are about 15 different types of materials on the market.

Take a look, right away, at some designs and images of blouses embroidered with ribbons:

Designs to embroider blouses with ribbons

design to embroider blouse with ribbons

design to embroider blouse with ribbons

drawing to embroider blouse with ribbons

drawing to embroider blouse

drawing to embroider blouse ribbons

embroidered blouse images

embroidered blouse with ribbons

embroidered blouse

If you like these embroideries, look at the 14 best stitches to embroider with ribbons or ribbon.

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