Embroider clothes - What you need to know

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Everything you need to know to embroider clothes

Would you like to embroider clothes by hand but you don't have the knowledge to start embroidering them? If you've never embroidered clothing before, it's natural to feel a bit apprehensive about doing so, as you risk ruining your clothing. But don't worry too much, you can easily embroider without ruining the pieces. Next we will explain how to do it.

embroider clothes

What kind of clothes can you embroider?

In theory any piece can be embroidered, but the most used pieces for embroidery are jeans, t-shirts and shirts, various fabrics and dresses. The way to embroider each one depends on the quality of the fabric and also on its characteristics.

Is the fabric thin, thick, stretchy or non-stretchy?

The physical characteristics of the fabric will greatly influence the embroidery process and the techniques to be used. However, before you start embroidering, you need to gather some embroidering materials.
Here is a list of things you will need to embroider your clothes:
First, choose the clothes you want to start embroidering. And try to see if the fabric is elastic or not. If you want to embroider directly onto clothing, purchase high-quality embroidery thread that won't fade or shrink in the wash. Then use a long, thin needle so you don't create big holes in the garment with the embroidery and can make stronger split ends.
To make the embroidery design you want, take a water-soluble pen to transfer your design onto the clothing.

Is it possible to embroider clothes directly?

Yes, you can embroider clothing directly on the fabric, but keep the following considerations in mind:
If you intend to embroider stretch clothing, do not use an embroidery frame. Opt for a stabilizing brace instead and you have to be very careful to avoid blisters.
If you are embroidering a machine washable garment, be sure not to use thread with tight knots.
Under no circumstances should you dry your embroidered garments.
When putting them in the machine, please adjust the temperature, which should never be higher than 40 degrees Celsius to avoid discoloration of the embroidery thread.

Transfer embroidery to clothing?

There are several ways to transfer embroidery to clothing. For example, in the case of embroidery on stretch T-shirts, the use of Solvy paper is highly recommended, since this paper acts as a temporary stabilizer during sewing and also because once dissolved in water, it leaves the T-shirt soft and comfortable.
This magical paper is also often used to embroider in areas where the fabric cannot be transferred, either because it is too thick or because it is in a difficult area to transfer.
Instead, when the fabric is thin and you can see through it, a water-soluble pen is used. In that case, place your pattern under the area of ​​the fabric you want to embroider and draw the lines. The resulting threads, after finishing the embroidery, come out very well with water.
There is still another alternative for the transfer, which is to use an iron on the pen. Regarding this method, it is important to say that it does not wash, so you have to be very careful when making the designs on the fabric. Any errors will be visible at the end of the job.

How to draw hand embroidery on clothes?

To do free embroidery on your clothes, the best alternative is, without a doubt, a water-soluble marker, which allows maximum freedom in creation. For me this process is very fun and relaxing, it allows you to develop your creativity and express your tastes and feelings.

In this video of "Carolina Plain", you can learn to embroider your clothes:

How to embroider clothes like jeans?

embroider on jeans It's a lot of fun, but you have to take into account the type of material, elastic or not, and also where you want to embroider. If you want to embroider stretch jeans, the process is much the same as for stretch T-shirts, being careful not to over-tighten the stitches.
When the jeans are not stretchy, the process is much easier to do. In this case, you can now use a hoop to stabilize the fabric and make your stitches easier.
Be very careful in this situation: if you want to embroider in a pocket, be very careful not to close the pocket. For example, use a piece of paper to block the passage of the needle.

Do I need stabilizer to embroider clothes?

Although some people like to use some kind of support, in my case I don't appreciate it. I love to feel the fabrics I work with. However, for less experienced embroiderers, a support base can be useful as it reduces the risk of errors, i.e. the risk of over-tightening the stitches and creating bubbles in the fabric.

What are the easiest garments to embroider for beginners?

For those who have little experience in embroidery, it is easier to start embroidering on a non-elastic shirt, since in this case a hoop can be used as a stabilizer and support. It is also important to mention that this material is easier to embroider, which allows more relaxing moments for seamstresses.

Take a look at some very interesting ideas for embroidering clothes:

embroider colorful clothes

how to embroider clothes

embroidered blouse

embroidered jeans

embroider clothes with flowers


Embroider with colors on a white shirt

Of course, you can embroider a white shirt with the colors that you like the most, even with strong colors, because, in white, embroidering always looks good. As long as you use threads that do not fade with washing. To prevent this from happening, first boil the threads before using them for embroidery. This prevents them from fading or shrinking in subsequent washes. Before embroidering your clothes, you should also wash them, for the same reasons.

Finally, since the text is already long, I hope you feel very confident when you start embroidering your clothes. Edge slowly and very patiently, and all will be well. You will love embroidering and customizing your clothes!

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