Embroidery with flowers – How to do it, ideas and history
hace 3 años

Make embroidery with flowers
Every time our flower embroidery seems to take on a life of its own, it is very satisfying for us. It's great to turn simple designs into stunning floral embroideries. But is there a magic formula for turning simple designs that only vaguely resemble flowers into brilliantly embroidered blooms of color that seem to have a life of their own?

Regarding the question posed above, we must say that there is no magic in it. However, the combination of colored embroidery threads and simple hand-embroidered stitches creates a very harmonious balance in the fabrics, conveying the idea that there is something special and magical in embroidery.
Although there are designs that are more suitable for embroidery, all of them can be used in your projects. When they're ready, they're wonderful. Given all the embroidery options that exist, you can try knitting and embroidering them on blankets, baby clothes, cushions or tablecloths, among other fabric options.

How to make an embroidery with flowers
There are many ways to do floral embroidery. Many embroiderers embroider flowers on fabric to look like brush strokes. On the other hand, other embroidery artists use three-dimensional techniques to make the petals and leaves. In these cases, the leaves and flower petals are separated from the countertop and then the textures are filled in.
See, right away, how to embroider a large flower with a simple stitch. Video of "art and painting":
The popularity of floral designs
The possibilities for creating floral embroidery seem endless. There are many themes that can inspire embroidery work, but floral embroidery is among the most popular. Although floral motifs have gone through different styles over the centuries, their main legacy is still alive among us.

Embroidered flowers in art history
Flowers have played a very important role in the history of art for their fantastic decorative motifs. It is important to mention here the famous Jacobean embroidery, which was a very popular style of embroidery during the reign of King James I of England in the XNUMXth century. This particular form of embroidery was praised for its whimsical-looking plants, which were used to adorn period drapery and even bedding. From this we can conclude that due to the great notoriety of these embroideries made with floral motifs, these motifs are still present in various things that we continue to use today, several centuries after their creation.

contemporary floral embroidery
Is there contemporary floral embroidery? Yes, however, people use the same stitches and techniques that they used many centuries ago. As in the past, flowers remain one of the most popular reasons for embroidering clothing and other home accessories today. However, while the essentials remain, embroidery is currently experiencing something of a renaissance. The embroiderers bet more and more to give their own touch to this traditional and ancient art.
The combination of new techniques and new themes was one of the most creative ways to modernize embroidery, giving it a more contemporary feel. Sculptured flowers of the same design can be embroidered along with other flowers that have a more stylized appearance. Another contemporary technique in the art of embroidery is the combination of flowers with text and other motifs, as well as being embroidered in unlikely places.

Ideas to embroider flowers
A simple project to do is to embroider flowers on daisy stitch along the stems in alternating colors of the same hue. Even the lower leaves can be embroidered with the same daisy stitch done in shades of blue and green.
Another interesting idea is to embroider roses with gold polka dots, which are very similar to the original ones found in nature.
You can also use the satin stitch to fill in various types of embroidered flowers, and then embroider the leaves with the satin stitch. Then you can spread small french knots around and towards the center of the flower.
To fill the petals you can use blanket stitches and for the stems nothing better than using back stitches.
To embroider sunflowers, as they are sunny and cheerful flowers, the best stitches to fill your petals are satin stitches, but you can also opt for herringbone stitches.

If you are new to this wonderful and unique art of embroidery, don't be afraid to make mistakes. It is with the mistakes that you learn and evolve. More and more people embroider and learn by themselves, through the immense resources that exist on the web today. Through these tutorials and encyclopedias of techniques, materials and stitches, you can become a true expert in embroidery.

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