Do you want to make a good embroidery? Look at this!

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How to make a good embroidery

Do you want to make a good embroidery? This is what you need to know to make a good embroidery. Below we have some very interesting ideas to help you in your projects.

The following list is used to check the quality of your embroidery:

  • Start by picking up the embroidery, twist and roll it; see what it feels like. Is your embroidery flexible?
  • The embroidery must fit and be correctly aligned, with no gaps between the edges.
  • Wrinkling in and around the design does not belong. The fabric should be smooth around the embroidered area. Gathering can be caused by a tight thread or fabric tension; too wide satin stitches; the blunt needle; an unstable fabric (none or wrong choice of backrest) and structural jam.
  • The stitches should be tight and held together with a good density. If there is a lot of transparency between stitches or you can pull them with your fingernail; they are too long and will quickly degrade when the garment is washed.
  • Each thread has a unique linear density and has the ability to cover a piece of fabric in a different way. The same thread will cover different fabrics slightly differently, so if you are using the same digitized design on different fabrics, it is important to test the design on the particular fabrics. If the stitch density is too high, the threads may break. If the stitch density is too low, "gaps" and "smiles" will appear and the color of the fabric will show through the embroidered area.

Points to remember

Using a combination of underlay and cover stitches uses far fewer stitches than using cover stitches alone, so you can always use underlays for large fill areas.
Using the correct stitch density will result in significant savings in unnecessary stitches; an area sewn at a 0,55mm density uses 20% fewer stitches than a 0,40mm density.
Each fabric will have a slightly different ability to absorb stitches from a particular thread.

Balanced tension for good embroidery

If there are wrinkles or pulling of the material around the design, find the proper tension (a balance between the upper thread and the bobbin thread). Turn the garment inside out to see if there is balance. You should see 1/3% white stitches in the center and a remainder of Stitches of colors on both sides of the white stitches. Too much coil will also show on top of the design. If you don't see a balance, the tensions are not set correctly.

the right finish

Check to see if all the threads are trimmed and if any cover material has been removed from the design. Check the backing to see if it correctly supports the embroidery and if the excess backing has been removed. Cut-out backings should be trimmed an even distance from the edge so they don't look cut and should not extend more than a half-inch or more from the embroidery.

Some ideas to embroider:

idea for a good embroidery

 © chloeomalley_embroidery

a good embroidery

make a good embroidery
© Nina


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